          群星??大拜年5 ?明敏 童安格 群星??大拜年5 ?明敏 童安格 You have Chinese face value, you must not leave your first place to become second class ci 買屋tizen out of your own place, because if you do, you must have the good will and strength to live by y 酒店兼職ourself like I do, otherwise, you must lose your freedom to do good things ( 汪明荃、鄭少秋、凌波、華娃、張德蘭、鍾鎮濤?酒店兼職B陳潔靈、葉麗儀、關菊英、仙杜拉、葉振棠 - 獅子山下 Just see how those underground chain 房屋二胎ed slavery terrors slaves bending to narrow minded slavery linked Cantonese sucking "Fun.Yan", lost their freedom to sing "字正腔圓" united Chinese language Mandarin 房屋買賣 voice; "中國心"? what a "Sir.Down.Bow.Ten" "Ten.Duck.Huang.Yan" lair? You don't even have good will and strength to forget your sucking narrow minded slavery linked "廣東.What", 房屋二胎 how dare you have the shame to talk about whatever "中國心"? The more languages you speak, the eviler you must be, that may explain how come Chinese is the evilest race in this globe. They cannot even ha 會場佈置ve the good will to see united China language Mandarin matters, how dare you think they can have the good will to care your Whole Canada, not mention stupid bad ugly evil United States of America. ) like Angus Tung童安格 showed slaved 新成屋 by underground chained slavery terrors not even be able to have the guts to contact his only true love woman. Shame on that or those sucker or suckers showed up on stage in that video, dare have the shameless to mention "中國心", too stupi 代償d bad ugly evil to know that "國" is IT, must not afford to have anything to do with heart, not mention Chinese said "1.Young.Me.Young.Bi.Young.Ren".   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 小型辦公室  .

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